Anil Mishra

From Manager’s Desk

It is a great honour to be the manager of a reputed school, but at the same time it is also a responsibility. It calls for a deep insight, a thorough understanding and a sincere devotion to meet the demands of the ever changing educational scenario of courses, syllabus, and examination systems. Education in every sense leads to a desirable change in the personality of individuals.
Students have to be guided and trained to become independent professionals and responsible citizens of this world. Children who are today, weak in limbs, feeble in stature, innocent as well as ignorant of the ways of the world are going to be the reputed leaders, famous art maestros, intellectuals, sports personnel’s, medical practitioners, engineers, techno experts, social reformers and visionaries tomorrow. Keeping this optimism before us we have to practice our share of duty. So we have to come together for this noble cause of grooming young learners for the greater and nobler cause of serving the nation and the world.

Anil Mishra

Manager’s Desk